Right away from motorcycles today, hope you'll forgive me. I must state at the outset that I'm not much of a concert-goer. Apart from the expense involved, finding concerts by artists whose music and … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2023
Wheelie interesting
When I first started following and photographing road racing this was a commonplace occurrence. This photo, from Amaroo Park, August 1976, shows two of our greatest gladiators, both now, sadly, no … [Read more...]
A walk in the Park
It's still Autumn here in Oz though it certainly doesn't feel like it, so, when the BOM said it was going to be 24 degrees today it didn't take too long to decide on a ride. Chores done and I was … [Read more...]
Half a lap
With my right hand mirror replaced with a good, 2nd hand one, it was time to head out again. It was a DD weekend because of ANZAC Day but that's never worried me before and I wasn't going to let it … [Read more...]
As I noted in my last post, the l/h rear indicator on the CBX stopped working on my last ride. A quick strip-down revealed that the wiring was OK and the bulb was OK. The flasher can, was, however, … [Read more...]
Nostalgia isn’t
..what it used to be, or so the saying goes. I can see the point in the saying but I tend to disagree. Yesterday, with the VFR being off the road while I source a new right hand mirror, I decided … [Read more...]
Lean angles..
It's been a while since I published an old racing photo. This one was taken at Sydney's Oran Park (now, sadly, a housing estate and, no, naming the estate Oran Park does nothing to lessen my anger). I … [Read more...]
Tips for older riders (borrowed)
You know that I stress the importance of original content on my blog. But, every now and the, an article comes along that is well worth republishing even though it's not mine. I hope you enjoy this … [Read more...]
You might be forgiven for thinking that I am forsaking my motorcycle passion for car racing but, trust me I'm not. There is a strong motorcycle and motorcycle racing theme here so please stick with … [Read more...]