This was posted this morning on one of the forums I inhabit. The ozHonda forum had a meeting at Revesby yesterday (you can just sense what’s coming, can’t you?) After doing donuts and burnouts in the car park, one of the rice boys got a little bit carried away out on the street. Now you know that I’m not the sort of person who gains pleasure from another person’s misfortune, don’t you?
And, just in case you were hoping that that story last week about Paris Hilton was just a media beat-up on a slow news day…it wasn’t.
And before anyone complains, just remember, folks. The boss himself has said it, “It’s all about the show.”
gearsau says
What is it about these idiots who drive ” rice burners ” ..
PARIS HILTON………Give it 6 months and the novelty will have worn off.
Another B grade celebrity that we don’t need.
Phil Hall says
Mate, I truly don’t know. But I read some more after I’d posted the story this morning and, apparently, the last time this crew met, they had a 3-car accident all involving members of the same club!!! As far as Paris is concerned, anything that raises the profile of road racing in the States is fine by me, besides, she looks great in those leathers. :
gearsau says
Wonder if she could ride a bike in those leathers? May get a wee bit of gravel rash on the funny bits if she came off.
Phil Hall says
Mate, they are so tight I don’t think she’d be able to reach both handlebars at the same time. She’d need to do that zipper up, too!!
gearsau says
I think the zipper is UP ..