Spent most of the weekend doing domestics. We have 2 sheds in the back yard, a big one that was my father-in-law’s and a smaller one that is mine. Unfortunately, my father-in-law is in a nursing home with dementia and won’t be coming home again. But I’ve been putting off cleaning it up because, well, just because. I finally decided that we had to do something so we dragged everything out onto the lawn and weeded out the stuff that neither he nor we will ever need again; not the easiest task, especially for my wife for whom the exercise brought home again to her the finality of her dad’s situation.
In the end it was a very satisfying and successful exercise. That was yesterday. I got a quick ride in up to TFRPS late in the day and slept the sleep of an honest labourer. This morning when we woke up we both said to each other, virtually at the same time, “Why don’t we do the other shed today and then we’re done?” So it was on with the grotty clothes and out we went. My shed was “tidied” a couple of years ago but has since become cluttered again (can barely get in the door, truth be known), so it was ruthless time. Finished by lunch time and relax, phew. I estimate that we have decluttered to the tune of 3 big trailer loads of stuff and the sheds both look empty compared to what they were.
Another quick run to TFRPS this arvo but it was cold and threatening rain so I didn’t hang about. Got home and went to put the bike in the garage and I thought, “You know, I really need to clean my work bench and the space around it as well, you know.” So, an hour later I have added to the pile of rubbish and I now can see and use my work bench.
I think I might have OCCD (Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning Disorder). Anyway, over a well-deserved cappucino at Shellharbour late this afternoon my clever chook of a wife says, “You know, the easiest way to get rid of all the piles of stuff that we’ve cleaned out today is to get a skip.” I knew that it wasn’t just sex appeal that made me want to marry her those 37 years ago; she’s CLEVER, too!
So, happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day to you all, me hearties. I’ve been clearing the decks, what did YOU do with your weekend?
sanoptic says
OCCD (Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning Disorder) my wife has this & i never have…LOL
Actually rode my bike along the Bells line to lithgow & back down the Great Western.
Wasn’t the most pleasant ride though as the rear shock is well past its due date for replacement or repair.Bouncing around all over the place isn’t much fun!
But at least i got a ride in which is all that matters which put a smile on my dial.
Phil Hall says
A ride is still better than sitting at home in front of the TV (which is what I am doing atm, watching the MotoGP telecast, but I’m not going to tell anyone that).
jeffb says
Had a great day at EC on Saturday, Phil. Weather was absolutley perfect- you know the story- Not too hot, Not too cold etc…. Top day out – and legal speeding too!
Sunday- must have caught Helena’s bug as took a ute full of ‘cupboard and garage’ rubbish to the school skips. (Got to be some advantage to living on school property- 3 free skips- Why do I hoard so much !!) Thanks again for all your writeups- . Might see you over the next 2 weeks of holidays!
Phil Hall says
Mmm, it is contagious, then.