Ever since the nice people at HP told me about the software upgrade to my HP Multifunction printer I have been searching high and low for a shoe box filled with old racing photos from the mid-70’s that I put away “safely” a few years ago. So safe, in fact, that I haven’t been able to find it since.
Well, a couple of days ago, it turned up and I was able to start scanning in a lot of photos that, thankfully, have survived the passage of time better than I would have anticipated.
In my early days of motorcycle road racing photography I got my films developed and printed; great for the satisfaction of seeing your work completed, but not so great on the budget. So later I got them developed and printed on contact sheets; cheaper, but harder to see what the photos actually looked like. I also took hundreds of colour slides, but, since I don’t have a slide scanner (and I understand they are very expensive), they will have to wait.
Like a fool I also culled out and destroyed a lot of photos that I didn’t regard as being that important, like my shots from Bathurst in 1976 (what WAS I thinking??)
Anyway, I have the scanner working now so I’ve started digitising the images and posting them on my Facebook site as it’s an easy way to display them. You can see the various albums by following the links below; you do NOT have to be a member of Facebook in order to view the albums.
Bikes of mine and places that I’ve been.
Once you’ve opened the album, click on the first image and you will be able to see the captions, comments by people who have seen them (mostly polite) and view them all as a slide show. I hope you enjoy. It was fun taking them and fun publishing them too.